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Reports can be used to check whether your state machine implementation is correct and for documentation purposes. There are different built-in reports. And you can implement your own report by implementing IStateMachineReport.

To get reports with meaningful action names, you should always specify methods in the state machine definition instead of lambda expressions. Lambda expressions will only be reported as anonymous method.

A report can be created by calling Report on a state machine a pass in a report generator.

Built-in Reports

yEd Report

The yEd report generates a file that can be opened with the yEd. This report contains states, events, transitions with guards and actions.

sample yEd report

csv Report

The csv report creates two .csv files. One containing the states with sub-states, entry and exit actions. And another file containing information about transitions with guards and actions.

OnFloorAnnounceFloorBeep, BeepDoorClosed, DoorOpen
Moving MovingUp, MovingDown
Healthy OnFloor, Moving
OnFloorGoUp internal transition AnnounceOverload, Beep
OnFloorGoDowninternal transition AnnounceOverload
HealthyErrorOccured Error
ErrorErrorOccuredinternal transition

Textual Report

The textual report is the only report containing all information about the state machine including history types.

Elevator: initial state = OnFloor
    Healthy: initial state = OnFloor history type = Deep
        entry action: 
        exit action: 
        ErrorOccured -> Error actions:  guard: 
        OnFloor: initial state = DoorClosed history type = None
            entry action: AnnounceFloor
            exit action: Beep, Beep
            CloseDoor -> DoorClosed actions:  guard: 
            OpenDoor -> DoorOpen actions:  guard: 
            GoUp -> MovingUp actions:  guard: CheckOverload
            GoUp -> internal actions: AnnounceOverload, Beep guard: 
            GoDown -> MovingDown actions:  guard: CheckOverload
            GoDown -> internal actions: AnnounceOverload guard: 
            DoorClosed: initial state = None history type = None
                entry action: 
                exit action: 
            DoorOpen: initial state = None history type = None
                entry action: 
                exit action: 
        Moving: initial state = MovingUp history type = Shallow
            entry action: 
            exit action: 
            Stop -> OnFloor actions:  guard: 
            MovingUp: initial state = None history type = None
                entry action: 
                exit action: 
            MovingDown: initial state = None history type = None
                entry action: 
                exit action: 
    Error: initial state = None history type = None
        entry action: 
        exit action: 
        Reset -> Healthy actions:  guard: 
        ErrorOccured -> internal actions:  guard: