8 concerns,
17 contexts,
29 specifications
Hierarchical evaluation engines specifications
2 contexts, 5 specifications
When calling answer on a child evaluation engine
3 specifications
- should override parent aggregator with child aggregator
- should use expressions from child and parent
- should evaluate expressions from parent first
When calling answer on a parent evaluation engine
2 specifications
- should use parent aggregator
- should use expressions only from parent
Logging specifications
1 context, 1 specification
When an answer is calculated
1 specification
- should log how answer was derived
Modules specifications
1 context, 1 specification
When loading a module into an evaluation engine
1 specification
- should use definitions from module to answer questions too
Question answering specifications
4 contexts, 6 specifications
When calling answer on evaluation engine and no aggregator is specified
1 specification
- should throw invalid operation exception
When calling answer on evaluation engine with a parameter
1 specification
- should pass parameter to the evaluation expressions
When calling answer on evaluation engine with several defined expressions and an expression aggregator
1 specification
- should aggregate the result of all expressions into a single result
When calling answer with expressions with constraints
3 specifications
- should evaluate expressions without constraints
- should evaluate expressions with fulfilled constraints
- should ignore expressions with constraints that are not fulfilled
Solution definition specifications
4 contexts, 4 specifications
When defining inline expressions in the call to by evaluating
1 specification
- should evaluate all expressions for the question
When defining several expressions with a single call to by evaluating
1 specification
- should evaluate all expressions for the question
When defining several expressions with a single call to solve
1 specification
- should evaluate all expressions for the question
When defining several expressions with individual calls to solve
1 specification
- should evaluate all expressions for the question
Strategy specifications
1 context, 1 specification
When defining an own strategy
1 specification
- should use own strategy instead of default strategy to answer the question
Validation specifications
2 contexts, 5 specifications
When validating invalid data
3 specifications
- should return invalid validation result
- should return validation result with violations
- should return violations with reason set by failing rule
When validating valid data
2 specifications
- should return valid validation result
- should return validation result without violations
Validation Extensibility specifications
2 contexts, 6 specifications
When validating invalid data with extended validation result
4 specifications
- should return invalid validation result
- should return validation result with violations
- should return violations with reason set by failing rule
- should return violations with extended data
When validating valid data with extended validation result
2 specifications
- should return valid validation result
- should return validation result without violations