How to migrate from bbv.Common
This page explains the changes we made when we renamed the project and cleaned-up its structure.
Event Broker
Renaming of subscription handlers
The built-in subscription handler were renamed because they were confusing:
- Publisher is now OnPublisher
- Background is now OnBackground
- Interface is now OnInterface
- InterfaceAsync is now OnInterfaceAsync
State Machine
Changed syntax to build hierarchies
Old: machine.DefineHierarchyOn(SuperState, InitialLeafState, HistoryType, InitialLeafState, AnotherLeafState, YetAnotherLeafState)
New: machine.DefineHierarchyOn(SuperState).WithHistoryType(HistoryType).WithInitialSubState(InitialLeafState).WithSubState(AnotherLeafState).WithSubState(YetAnotherLeafState)
Changed how multiple actions are defined to allow mixing of actions with and without access to the event argument
Old: machine.In(SomeState).On(SomeEvent).Execute(Action1, Action2)
New: machine.In(SomeState).On(SomeEvent).Execute(Action1).Execute(Action2)
Entry and Exit actions can now have access to the event argument
Now it is possible to access the event argument in entry and exit actions:
ExceptionThrown event was removed
All exceptions are now passed to the event TransitionExceptionThrown
Therefore, you only need to listen to a single event now.
Evaluation Engine
Introduced interface IAnswerer to be compliant with Interface Segregation Principle
This new interface allows to inject an evaluation engine with just access to the Answer
- Renamed IIOAccessFactory to IAccessFactory
- Changed registering of extensions
- New IDrive and IEnvironment
- Removed 'Access' from every method name and interface name (except IAccessFactory of course)
All log4net loggers were removed from the binaries and moved to a source code nuget package: Appccelerate.SourceCodeTemplates. This simplifies modifying logging to your needs.
Csv Parser / Writeer
Moved to Appccelerate.IO package.
Moved to Appccelerate.Async package.
bbv.Common package
Package was replaced with Appccelerate.Fundamentals package.